About Student Net

I am a Secondary School teacher of English as a Foreign Language in Greece. I fervently, believe in educators using and taking advantage of today's available technology in their classes to meet their students' needs. The effective use of technology in our schools is imperative, if we are to keep relevant with the evolution of our digitised world.

I have created 'Student Net' for my students so that they can practise English in an engaging way. The topics of the blog are currently revolving around five thematic areas, namely: places I would like to visit and why, book reviews, favourite songs, favourite poems and favourite films. Hopefully, my students will respond positively not only by posting their own posts but also by reading their classmates' posts and subsequently commenting on them. Students from other schools are welcome to comment on the posts.

A bit more info on my academic background...

My qualifications include an M.A. in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) and an M.Sc. in Software Localisation. As well as this blog, I also maintain EduBug, a blog about educational matters and EnglishBlab, a website with interactive exercises for learners of English.